Gemma arranged a outdoor activity in Delamere Forest on Saturday called Go Ape. Here is a link to their web site. It is a high wire activity set amongst the forest trees. I have recorded some of my feelings below.
Indignation. At being asked to "Go Ape..." I'm not prone to profanity, or loss of selfcontrol but then it was pointed out that the title of the event is much more literal than I had imagined.
Self conscious. When we put on our harnesses, Wes pointed out to all the boys that it did a good job of "lifting and separating". Thanks Wes
Stupidity. When I attached the carrabenas to the wrong cable in the wrong order and was the only person to do this. Every time.
Indecisive. Should I do the easy or the hard elements.
Macho. I obviously should do the hard elements.
Regret. At choosing the hard elements. As the "Stirrups" nearly where incredibly difficult. I had visions of Cheshire Fire Service being called to save this "fat bloke" from up in the trees. The Stirrups on the Go Ape Web site are listed as the most technical, there not it just seems impossible.
Terrified. There are rope bridges and like those seen on Shrek and Raiders of the Lost Ark (I think, or is it The Temple of Doom?). But unlike those, there is not a molten volcano or alligators underneath them. This does not make them any less scary. Just better entertainment for those watching.
Even more stupidity. At not learning at previous experience of Indecisive, Macho, regret as yet again I chose the hard option for the big Tarzan swing. somebody asked me if I was doing the the Tarzan shout/yodel when doing this element. But I was too busy praying.
Relief. When I was helped back up to the trees when I couldn't climb a rope net.
Exhilaration. When I came down all the zip lines.
Great day out can't wait to go again.
Go Ape is the business.
A group of us did it once on a Stag Weekend in the Lakes.
There were times when I was terrified! ;-)
Hi Kev Its mark holmes, you were only 10 minutes from our house at go ape. next time pop in for a coffee
Please will you post something new.
People are complaining to ME about your lack of updates.
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