Friday, September 19, 2008

Annual appeal 4

Another nights collecting, and it finished early as most people seem to go out on Friday night (surprisingly). But I did find myself getting a bit up tight with a couple of people who live in very large houses out of sight from the main road. The first bloke surprised me when he came to the door as I was admiring his lovely Austin Martin DB7 car. He said he didn't do business at the door so I thanked him and left. The next guy at a bigger house came to the door with a napkin and he couldn't possibly give any money because he was eating dinner.
Hay Ho, never mind, nearly finished.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Annual appeal 3

Second day collecting and Ray and I are doing Long Lane. It is an interesting fact how Long Lane has got its name. It's not to do with it's width or even it's height but it's length, it is long. This has a special appeal to door to door collectors as not only is Long Lane long, but it is straight. So when we have finally finished collecting, we have to walk the long length of Long Lane back to the car.
Long lane starts with old houses populated mainly by professional people who get home late, who are not in when I call. And finishes with older retired people who won't open the door because it's too late.
At least the copper jar was given to me near the end of the evening so I didn't have too far to carry. And Gill drove down Long Lane to pick us up, happy days.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Annual appeal 2

Sadly (or not) collecting was canceled tonight. But that gave me the opportunity to play with my new iPod Touch. I shall update my blog from this device when I get to grips

Monday, September 15, 2008

Annual appeal 1

Here we are, third week of September, time for Salvation Army Annual Appeal. It's been our first night out collecting today. On the way round it seems traditional that I make up a blog entry. But I have struggled tonight, but Will has posted a motivational video on Youtube, check it out (Hi Ho, it's off to work we go).

I promise to think harder tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Big Bang Day

Tomorrow is big bang day, so radio 4, on the bbc, is making it a feature. Tomorrow, we could know how everything works or we could blow everything up. If everything does disappear in a black hole tomorrow, there will be a lot of egg on faces at CERN.

I just hope before they turn the thing on they have built in the reverse polarity button or have designed a feature so they can fire a tachyon burst at the new black holes. (it always works in Star Trek)