Sunday, March 05, 2006

Its been a while

The Youth Alpha is still on going. How does God guide you? this week. So they have been around the church blind folded guided by each other in different ways. Which is the most efficient? Not guided by Lynsey (perhaps). Personal injury in her haste to get around the quickest.


Well, can I just note I didn't injure on purpose...we've recently finished our thoughts on Prayer, resulting in the group preparing and leading the prayer time during our service. Expressing different ways in which we can communicate with God and ways in which we can worship him. Hopefully they'll be able to take something from these next few sessions on looking at the Holy Spirit and share them wiht memebers of the church again - as well as others they may meet.

So, we're looking at being guided - how God does it and why we need it (a lot, some of us!)

More next week.